

To install Precomposer, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Create a copy of the Precomposer start template repository
  2. Configuration
  3. Start the GitHub workflow
  4. Register DNS names

1. Copying the Precomposer-Template-Repository

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab) and create a copy (top right button, above the code: "Use this template" -> "Create a new Repository").
    • => The name and location of your new deployment repository can be chosen freely. But when using a different name than epc-deployment-configurations you have to configure the chosen name in the service repositories later (e.g. storefront), so that the services' build pipelines will be able to find and trigger your deployment repository correctly.
  2. After the successful creation the next steps will be done in your own copy.

2. Configuration

Your newly created repository needs to be setup with a few GitHub action variables and secrets: Click Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions. To create a GitHub-Action-Secret switch to the "Secrets" tab and click the green button New repositoy secret". For the GitHub-Action-Variable switch to the "Variables" tab and click the green button New repositoy variable".

Configuration for cluster/provider access

Add these as GitHub-Action-Secrets:

PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKENyes-access to GitHub. More info about this token below.
K8S_CLUSTER_CONFIGyes-Kubernetes config for the cluster to be used. More info about this token below.
DO_ACCESS_TOKENonly for Digitalocean-Secret used to find out the external IP of the Digitalocean load balancer.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDonly for AWS EKS-Secret to access the AWS EKS cluster
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYonly for AWS EKS-Secret to access the AWS EKS cluster


It is created via GitHub -> Profile photo -> Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token. (More info here (opens in a new tab).) Make sure that the access token is created from the same user who has access to the newly copied Precomposer-Template-Repository.

Where is it used?

  1. It is used to deploy a generated ssh-key in the repo deployment-configurations, which gives ArgoCD access to it.
  2. In the k8s cluster, a secret "docker-pull-secrets" is created so that the cluster can fetch images.

So permission scopes for the repository (repo) and the registry (write:packages) are needed.

Details about K8S_CLUSTER_CONFIG

This is the Kubernetes cluster config (also used e.g. for $KUBECONFIG in the shell). It can be gathered e.g. like this: kubectl config view --minify --flatten.

When using Digitalocean you can access the config on the webpage: Switch from the cluster's overview to the tab "Settings", then click onto the blue top right "Actions" button and choose "Download Config".

Paste the entire content of the config file into the secret field when creating this Github-Action-Secret.

Details about DO_ACCESS_TOKEN

This is needed when using a DigitalOcean cluster to determine the cluster's external IP address.

It can be created via DigitalOcean -> API (main navigation left side) -> Generate New Token (gray button top right) (More info here (opens in a new tab).)

Select both read and write scopes.

Configuration of the services:

Next up we need to add secrets for our composable commerce services, e.g. Commercetools and Storyblok. For creating the Commercetools secrets, please follow this guide (opens in a new tab) and read the details below for information about the scopes and why we need two API client credentials. For Storyblok, check these instructions (opens in a new tab) and also follow the details below.

These secrets are prefixed with TO_K8S_ to indicate that they're written directly to your Kubernetes cluster and have no relevance in GitHub afterwards.

You can either manually add these via the GitHub UI or use the GitHub command line tools (opens in a new tab) if you are familiar with it. For that case we prepared github-secrets-example.txt in the root of your new repositoy containing all needed secrets. It also contains an example command which fills them into a given GitHub repository.

Add these as GitHub-Action-Secrets (more details below):

TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_AUTH_CLIENT_IDyes-The Auth-Client-ID from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRETyes-The Auth-Client-Secret from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_CLIENT_ID yes-The Client-ID from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_CLIENT_SECRET yes-The Client-Secret from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_CHECKOUT_APPLICATION_KEYyes**-The Checkout application key from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKENyes-The Access-Token from Storyblok.
STORYBLOK_MGMT_TOKENno-The Management-Token from your Storyblok account to import content. Only required to import data.
STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID(yes)-The Space-ID to import data to. Space is created if this is missing.
TO_K8S_ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_IDyes*-The Application ID from Algolia.
TO_K8S_ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEYyes*-The Search-only API key from Algolia.
TO_K8S_SENDGRID_API_KEYyes-The Admin API key from Sendgrid.

* Required when Algolia is used as the search provider for products (further information can be found in the variables section -> TO_K8S_SEARCH_PROVIDER_TO_USE).

** Required when Commercetools Checkout solution is used.

Details about the Commercetools credentials

We require two sets of Commercetools credentials, because we need two differently scoped tokens when communicating with Commercetools. For creating a new API client go to Commercetools -> Settings -> Developer Settings and press the button "+ Create new API client".

  • AUTH API Client: All secrets containing _AUTH_CLIENT are used to create session related tokens after a user was logged in successfully. The tokens are scoped to only view personal entities (e.g. carts, orders). Use the the "Mobile & single-page application client" template.
  • General API Client: All other secrets are used for handling the standard shop requests (e.g. product search, anonymous checkout). Use the "Admin client" template.

Details about the Algolia credentials

  • ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID: You can find the application ID in your Algolia Dashboard. Navigate to the 'Search' tab, and the application ID will be displayed on the top left side of the page. If you have multiple application IDs, click the arrow button to view them all.
  • ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY: The Search-only API key in Algolia is a type of API key that provides read-only access to your indices. It's used to enable search capabilities without allowing any modifications to the data. This ensures that users of your application can search your indices but cannot accidentally or maliciously alter them. You can find the api keys in your Dashboard -> Settings -> API Keys

Details about the Sendgrid credentials

  • SENDGRID_API_KEY: The API key from your SendGrid account. Since the epc-email-processor interacts with templates on SendGrid, please ensure you provide the full-access API key here.

Details about the Storyblok credentials

The STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID and STORYBLOK_MGMT_TOKEN are only needed to start the data importer. If the STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID is missing (not recommended when using the importer), then the data importer will create a space using a default (trial) license. This might lead to rate limit problems during the import. So you should create a Storyblok space yourself manually and configure a STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID here.

You effectively have two separate tokens: One for read-only access by the shop and one to insert and update data by the setup. For the TO_K8S_STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKEN go to your Storyblok Space -> Settings -> Access Tokens. Either generate a new token with access level preview or copy the key of the exisiting one if there is one. For the STORYBLOK_MGMT_TOKEN go to Storyblok -> My account -> Account settings -> Personal access token. Click "Generate a new token". (As said, this is only needed to import the demo data.)

Additionally, add the following GitHub-Action-Variables (if required):

NameRequired?DefaultBeschreibung --
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ PROJECT_KEYyes-The Project-Key from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_ SEARCH_PROVIDER_TO_USEno-Determines the search provider. Valid values: "algolia", "commercetools". If unset, defaults to "commercetools".
TO_K8S_CHECKOUT_TYPEno-Determines the Checkout type. Valid values: "precomposer", "commercetools". If unset, defaults to "precomposer".
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ AUTH_CLIENT_SCOPESoptionalmanage_my_profile, view_categories, manage_my_orders, manage_my_shopping_lists, view_published_products, manage_my_quotes, manage_my_payments, manage_my_business_units, manage_my_quote_requests, create_anonymous_tokenThe Auth-Client-Scopes from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ API_URLoptional API-URL from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ AUTH_URLoptional Auth-URL from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ CHECKOUT_HOSToptional Commercetools Checkout URL from Commercetools.
TO_K8S_COMMERCETOOLS_ CHECKOUT_CALLBACK_URLyes**The URL the user is redirected to after a successful checkout.
TO_K8S_ALGOLIA_INDEXyes*Valid index name from your Algolia Dashboard
TO_K8S_ SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESSyesValid email address

* Required when Algolia is used as the search provider for products.

** Required when Commercetools Checkout solution is used.


To get the project key go to Commercetools -> My Account (Profile Icon) -> Manage projects and then copy the key of the desired project from the list. The project key is also displayed when creating the AUTH or General API Client.


This environment variable specifies the search provider your application will use for querying and retrieving product data.

  • algolia: When set to this value, your application will utilize Algolia as its search backend. In the case of Algolia, it's mandatory to provide the Index Name, Application ID, and Search Key!
  • commercetools: Selecting "commercetools" means your application will harness the search capabilities of Commercetools. If this variable is unset, the application defaults to using Commercetools.

Note: The value for this variable can be input in a case-insensitive manner.

Details about TO_K8S_CHECKOUT_TYPE

This environment variable specifies the Checkout type the application will use.

  • precomposer: By setting the value to 'precomposer', you activate the application's custom checkout system. If this variable is not specified, the application defaults to using the 'precomposer' type.
  • commercetools: Selecting 'commercetools' means your application will utilize the built-in checkout solution of Commercetools. In this case, it is mandatory to configure a "checkout application" in the merchant center and provide a secret Commercetools Checkout App key and a Callback URL.

More info in the section storefront -> checkout types.

Note: The value for this variable can be input in a case-insensitive manner, meaning "PRECOMPOSER", "precomposer", and "PREcomposer" are all acceptable.


Please ensure you are providing a valid email address, one that is verified and registered as a sender in your SendGrid account.

3. Start the GitHub Workflow

From your repository, start the workflow "Install Precomposer on k8s cluster". (Main menu of the project -> Actions -> if necessary, close the GitHub introduction dialogue -> Install Precomposer on k8s cluster).

Input Parameters

The workflow has the following input parameters:

(How the DNS names are composed of the specified variable values is explained in the next section).

DNS_BASE_DOMAINnoprecomposer.shopThe base domain, under which Precomposer should be reachable.
DNS_DOMAIN_PREFIXnodemoPrefix before base domain.
PROJECT_ENVIRONMENTnotestName of the environment to be created. Common names here are test, dev, prod etc.
NS_PRECOMPOSER_BASENAMEnoecube-precomposerBase name for the namespace for the core of the Precomposer to be installed in. PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT will be appended - so e.g. ecube-precomposer-test.
LETSENCRYPT_EMAILnohostmaster@ecube.deWhich e-mail address should be used when registering the Lets-Encrypt certificate? Leave default when using as base domain. Must be set when using other domain.
CLUSTER_ENVIRONMENTnoIf you want to install to multiple clusters, you can define here the name of the github environment where the cluster config secret is stored.
IMPORT_DATA_SOURCEnoecubegmbh/epc-data-importerThe organisation and name of the repository where demo data is stored. If not empty, a new import workflow is triggered.

Workflow run

After submitting the parameters, GitHub will start the workflow and a new "workflow run" will appear after a few seconds.

Workflow Runs

To watch the progress click on it:

Workflow Summary

You can also click on the individual jobs:

Job Details

The execution usually takes a few minutes. However, individual steps may take longer (e.g. waiting for services to start up or registering DNS names).

4. Register DNS names

The DNS names must be registered in the DNS. If you have specified as the base domain, this step is not necessary; the names will be registered for you automatically.

If you use your own domain, then you must set these DNS names to point to the external IP (e.g. load balancer) of the Precomposer Setup. The detected IP is displayed in the Job !!! MANUAL ACTION HERE: Getting started - there in the step with the same name !!! MANUAL ACTION HERE: Getting started. If the external IP could be determined by the setup process, then it is displayed. If not, then you have to find it out yourself using means of your cluster provider.

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If you are not using As soon as you know the IP, you can (and should) setup the DNS names manually - while the setup workflow is still running. (Background: DNS propagration and Lets-Encrypt can take some time, which can only be done afterwards.)

Make sure that all these DNS names point to the same external IP of your cluster (load balancer).

This is how the DNS names are composed:

SystemDNS-Part 1DNS-Part 2DNS-Part 3

